
Friday, November 23, 2012

Vietnam - Nation looks to improve HIV/AIDS treatment services

The Hanoitimes - The medical sector is striving to improve treatment services for over 190,000 HIV-infected people in the country.

The matter was discussed at a workshop o­n the pilot result of quality improvement for care and treatment HIV/AIDS and plan direction in the 2013-2015 period in Hanoi.
The workshop was co-hosted by the HIV/AIDS Prevention Department, the Health Ministry, the President's Emergency Program for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Vietnam Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Vietnam).

Deputy Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long said that the number of HIV-infected people accessing to HIV treatment services is increasing.

So far, there are 318 non-resident HIV/AIDS treatment centers in 63 provinces and cities to care for around 70,000 patients.

Thanks to that, the survival rate of HIV carriers presented up to 82%, which is higher than the preset criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) of 80%. By 2015, the survival rate is projected to increase by 26 times.

However, the results must be maintained and improved to provide better service for patients and the Ministry of Health is working o­n a management system to improve HIV/AIDS treatment services.

Vietnam is still facing a potential shortage of foreign aid in this field. The medical sector is striving to raise more other financial sources while promoting the thrift exercise and operation efficiency.

CDC Vietnam Director Michelle McConnell affirmed to assist Vietnam in maintaining the results of the pilot program o­n quality improvement for care and treatment HIV/AIDS.

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